tisdag 11 september 2012

Har för längesen läst på utländska sidor om denna epilator. Eftersom jag inte orkat beställa den från något annat land än Sverige har jag fått vänta ett tag och blev överlycklig när jag såg den på tvshop. Den måste laddas i ungefär fem timmar nu så jag har inte hunnit testa den än.

(UPDATE: Ok... det tog bara en timma?!)

MEN såhär står det om den:

  • ''Tar smärtfritt bort oönskat hår!
  • Kan användas av både män och kvinnor.
  • Enkel att använda.
  • Minskar återväxten av nytt hår med 64 %.
  • En säker produkt - oavsett hudtyp.
  • Uppladdningsbart batteri -
  • du kan använda no!no! var du vill.
  • För bästa resultat, använd no!no! minst 2-3 gånger i veckan under de första 4-6 veckorna.
  • Du slipper skärsår och inåtväxande hårstrån.
  • Välj mellan rosa eller silver. '' - Tvins.com

''So when a no! no! arrived in the post and promised pain free and long lasting hair removal, I thought this has to be too good to be true. Right? Wrong. I heard about no! no! after seeing it advertised on television but I wasn't convinced by the idea and the effectiveness of it, especially considering its rather hefty price tag (ahem just under £200), how could epilation be painless?

After leaving it in the box for some time, I finally gave it a go and, although I found it took some getting used to, I am now a no!no! convert. So, how can it be painless I hear you ask? The no!no! uses thermicon technology, or heat to you and me, to get rid of unwanted hair and for long lasting results, which means it doesn't pluck at your skin. It doesn't feel too hot and skin feels comfortably warm. It successfully gets rid of hairs, but I did find the first few times that it can be a quite drawn out process and you have to be firm with it, however when you have mastered the technique you will find it quicker to do every time. It definitely does last, hair regrowth has been much slower and hairs appear finer. It works just like an epilator, but without the pain which is undeniably a great bonus. The major set back for this product is that it smells, you know the smell of burnt hair? Yes, like that - if you can overcome this then the no!no! could be the product for you!

The no!no! is designed for all hair types and can be used all over the body, I love how small and compact it is compared to regular epilators so it is really transportable. I have been using it every couple of weeks which is ample for keeping hairs at bay. The price may seem rather expensive, but I managed to justify it by considering the amount of money I spend on razors each year, where as this will (hopefully) last me a lifetime!'' Pixiwoo.com

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vad går den loss på? Skriv sen när du använt den!

    1. Den är ganska dyr... 1995:- (2123:- med frakt) kostar den så it better be good!!

      Jag ska skriva om hur den var sen!


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